
ピアニスト・ソプラノ・作曲・音楽博士 平井李枝


Pianist, Soprano, Composer, Doctor of music

平井李枝 プロフィール

ひらいりえ  ピアニスト・ソプラノ・作曲  博士(音楽)


を発信する日本人」にクラシック演奏家として唯一選出され、国家から“Japan. Dr.Rie, The
Graceful Muse.”(Dr.りえ、美しきミューズ)の称号とロゴを授与される。

リサイタルやレクチャーコンサート 「Dr.りえのおしゃれなクラシック」や、公開講座、雑誌等への

2013年より文化庁芸術家として全国各地の小中高等学校で開催している 「Dr.りえのおしゃ

2019 年 5 月から 12 月まで文部科学省からスペイン・バルセロナに派遣され音楽研究と
演奏活動を行う。 カタルーニャ国立図書館、ジョアン・マラガイ博物館、ヴァル・デブロン大学
HIRAI, Fashionable Classical Concert」を 60 回開催、大絶賛されカタルーニャで最も有
サート 世界を知る・日本を知る」を開催。ピアノ組曲 《越後村上の情景》を発表。


父はピアニスト・東京藝術大学名誉教授の平井丈二郎 (皇后陛下のピアノの先生)
祖父は作曲家 平井康三郎(「とんぼのめがね」 「スキー」 「平城山」等の歌曲、多数の校歌や

Dr.Rie HIRAI Profile

Rie HIRAI, Doctor of Music, Pianist, Soprano, Composer, Musicologist

Dr.Rie HIRAI received the National Award of Most Active Japanese in the World from the Minister of National Policy of Japan.
Assistant professor of National Univercsity of Utsunomiya, Japan.
Dr. Rie Hirai was born in Japan in the heart of a famous musical family. Her grandfather was a well known composer, her grandmother a violinist and his father is a prominent pianist, Professor Takejiro Hirai, Doctor of Musical Arts from the prestigious Juilliard School. She began studying piano and composition from her father. She graduated from both the High School Division and the Music Department of the Tokyo University of the Arts (GEIDAI). She received her Doctor of Music degree in 2010 at age 27, with doctoral dissertation on the piano works of Granados, which is the first in Japan. For the research for this dissertation, she went to Barcelona at Biblioteca de Catalunya and Museu de la Musica. Now she is the youngest doctor of Music in Japan. She performed in Tokyo Metropolitan Cultural Center, Osaka Phoenix Hall and around Japan since her childhood. Among her large repertoires, Haydn, Chopin, Grieg, Scriabin, Granados, Rachmaninoff, Falla are highly estimated by the critic as "Most clear touch", "Deep Expessive Tone", "Remarkable perfection, a wide capacity of expression". Rie Hirai is also active as a Soprano, performing art songs, opera arias and popular songs. Since 2008, she holds a piano talk concert introducing the works of Granados. She edited with her father 5 volumes of the Piano Works by Enrique Granados, published by Zen-on Music Co. Also, the works of Rachmaninoff and Falla.
On February 3rd 2011, by invitation of Biblioteca de Catalunya, Dr. Rie HIRAI gave a recital there, titled "The long way to the Goyescas of Granados" as a specialist of Granados. This event is the centenary of the completion of the Goyescas. She performed using the Pleyel concert grand piano, the favorite instrument of Granados. It was highly estimated by audience and critics as "the coming back of Granados", televised by Catalan TV3. She spoke about Granados in Catalan and also presents a Japanese art song and the calligraphy as well. She received the "Prize of honor" from Biblioteca de Catalunya on her effort of research and presenting the Catalan Culture.


Rie Hirai Doctora, Pianista Soprano
Dra.Rie Hirai va neixer al Japo en el si d’una familia musicalment famosa. El seu avi fou un compositor molt conegut, la seva avia una violinista i el seu pare es un destacat pianista, el professor Takejiro Hirai, posseidor del Doctor Music Arts de la prestigiosa Juilliard School. Rie Hirai comenca a estudiar piano i composicio amb el seu pare. Es gradua a la High School Division i al Departament de Musica de la Universitat de les Arts de Tokyo (GEIDAI). Es doctora en musica l’any 2010, als 27 anys, sobre l’obra de piano de Granados, i fou el primer treball sobre aquest autor que es realitza al Japo. Per tal de documentar-se va anar a Barcelona, a la Biblioteca de Catalunya i al Museu de la Musica. Actualment es la doctora en musica mes jove del pais nipo. Des que era petita Rie Hirai ha actuat arreu del Japo aixi com al Tokyo Metropolitan Cultural Center i a l’Osaka Phoenix Hall . Entre el seu ampli repertori, Haydn, Chopin, Grieg, Scriabin, Granados, Rachmaninoff i Falla son els que mes destaca la critica per tenir ” Un toc molt clar”, “Un to profundament expressiu”, “Una perfeccio destacable, que mostra una gran capacitat d’expressio”. A mes de concertista de piano, Rie Hirai tambe es una activa soprano que interpreta aries d’opera, cancons populars. Des de l’any 2008, realitza concerts per introduir l’obra de Granados al Japo amb una gran acceptacio per part del public. Ha editat amb el seu pare cinc volums sobre les peces de piano d’Enric Granados, publicats per Zen-on Music Co.

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ピアニスト・ソプラノ・作曲・音楽博士 平井李枝

Pianist, Soprano, Composer, Doctor of music,